Routine Services
- Emission compliance monitoring of all permitted contaminants including particulate matter, condensable particulate matter, metals (including Hg speciation), HCl, HF, H2SO4, NH3, HNO3, phenol, formaldehyde, ozone, total organic carbon (VOC/TVOC), NOx, SOx, CO, N2O, TRS/H2S, benzene and styrene (BTEX).
- Particle size distribution (pm 10/2.5) via US EPA method 201a and CCSEM
- SVOC monitoring for PCDD/PCDF/PBDE/PAH, chlorobenzenes, chlorophenols and PCBs
- Vapour Recovery Unit monitoring for VOC (as C3H8) and flowrate as per CAN/CGSB-3.1000-2013
- High volume sampling of particulate matter and flowrate from cyclone systems
- Visual opacity monitoring
- Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) of continuous emission monitors (CEM) for SOx, NOx, HCl, O2, CO2, CO, THC, TRS and NH3
- Cylinder Gas Audits
- Continuous emission monitoring using EPA approved analyzers
- Stratifications checks
- Dispersion Modelling (CALPUFF and AERMOD view)
- Metro Vancouver and MOE Permit applications and consultations
- DRE evaluations of special waste thermal treatment systems
- Staff training (EPA 450) and expert testimony and opinions
- Performance monitoring of new industrial equipment and air pollution control equipment
- Contaminant collection efficiency evaluations of abatement equipment
- Ambient air surveys for VOC and specific organic compounds
- Source monitoring equipment repair and calibrations
- Indoor air quality for total/respirable dust, silica, multi-metals (welding fumes), acid mist and more

Special Services & Studies
- Marine engine NOx certification surveys using IMO Marpol Annex VI protocols
- International Dioxin/Furan/PCB emission surveys
- International RATA surveys
- Remote biomedical/refuse incinerator emission testing using Canada wide standard protocols for Dioxin and Mercury. Consideration for “super-heated” discharges are taken into account.
- Ambient analyzer calibration and maintenance.
- Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+)
- Petroleum Hydrocarbons
- Diesel engine and Haul truck testing
Landfill / Digester Gas Testing
Siloxanes are a family of man-made organic compounds that contain silicone, oxygen and methyl groups. Siloxanes are used in the manufacture of personal hygiene, health care and industrial products. As a consequence of their widespread use, siloxanes are found in wastewater and in solid waste deposited in landfills. At wastewater treatment plants and landfills, low molecular weight siloxanes volatilize into digester gas and landfill gas. When this gas is combusted to generate power (such as in gas turbines, boilers or internal combustion engines), siloxanes are converted to silicon dioxide (SiO2), which can deposit in the combustion and/or exhaust stages of the equipment. Lanfranco and Associates provides landfill gas analysis for a range of compounds including:
- Siloxanes (Total as Si or Speciated)
- Gas Composition: C1 – C10, H2, He, N2, CO2, O2
- Total Sulphur Compounds (including H2S)
- Chlorine / Fluorine
- Ammonia
Siloxane Compounds
A. Lanfranco & Associates Inc.
Unit #101, 9488 - 189th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada, V4N 4W7
Tel: (604) 881-2582
Toll Free: (855) 881-2582
Fax: (604) 881-2581