International Experience
Holcim Cement, Philippines
Dioxin/furan emission testing, as well as RATA and CGA at four cement plant in Philippines. Tests were conducted under baseline conditions with Roller Mill down; and alternate fuel (AFR) conditions. A total of eight test were conducted with analysis completed at Pacific Rim labs. Contract was for 2007 to present.
Corning Corp/ESD China, Shanghai, China
Continuous NOx and VOC monitoring of various processes at ceramic facility. Gaseous fluoride measurements for over 50 samples and Inlet/Outlet VOC measurements over 30 hour kiln cycle. Project was conducted in 2004, 2005, 2008, 2014 and 2015.
EPD, Hong Kong (partner with TRC Corporation)
125 dioxin/furan/PCB tests at twelve industrial sources over two year study period. Sources include chemical waste treatment, crematoria, coal fired power plants, cement kiln, hospital incinerators
E&E/Budweiser, Wuhan, China
Particulate and SOx removal efficiency evaluations of a prototype caustic wet scrubber serving the exhaust gases from a coal fired boiler (20 t/hr steam). Tests included triplicate inlet/outlet tests at 90% and 50% loads
Hatfield/Kiani Kertas, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Emission performance evaluations of electrostatic precipitators serving power and recovery boilers and lime kiln at mid-size pulp mill
Hawaii Health Systems Corp., Hawaii USA
Emission monitoring for particulate, trace metals, dioxin/furan, and acid gases from several medical waste incinerators in Hawaii.
PT Semen Cibinong, PPLI, PT Indospec Asia
Our firm was contracted by an Indonesian consortium to provide expertise and supervision for the first PCB trail burn in Indonesia. In 1997, our firm conducted and supervised a series of tests to show the PCB destruction capability of a cement kiln operated near Jakarta. The tests included particulate, dioxin/furan, and VOCs emitted from the precipitator stack.
EEC, Baltimore, MD
Performance monitoring of an EEC ESP serving a recovery boiler at Weldwood, Hinton Alberta. Tests included inlet/outlet simultaneous testing for particulate and flowrate.
U.S. Navy, Johnston Atoll, Hawaii
Emission monitoring of a package incinerator used for disposal of municipal type refuse. Performance tests were conducted to show emission levels of particulate, HCl, and NOx.
U.S. Navy, Fort Smith, Hawaii
Performance monitoring of a package incinerator at Intelligence Centre of the Pacific. Tests included particulate matter, PM10 and PM2.5, CO, HCl and mass emissions.
Olivine Corporation, Bellingham WA
Emission control equipment performance testing to show the reduction of particulate and HCl from refuse incinerator equipped with lime injection and dry scrubbers. Continuous monitoring of several species of pollutant gases.
Matsushita, Puyallup WA
Emission measurements at a semiconductor manufacturing plant for wafers. Scrubbers to be evaluated included HNO3, HF, NOx and HCl control devices. Project included design and fabrication of gas spiking system
EXXON, Valdez Oil Spill
During the clean-up of a large oil spill our firm was requested to test emission from the incineration of oily residues generated by the clean-up. Small incinerators were used to dispose of large quantities of waste material but were unable to meet emission standards and operating requirements.
Kona Community Hospital, Hawaii 1999/2001
Emission monitoring of hospital waste incinerator emissions to show performance with environmental standards and manufacturers guarantees. Parameters tested included PCDD/PCDF, particulate, HCl, and sulphur dioxide.
Kauai Veterans Hospital, Hawaii
Emission monitoring of hospital waste incinerator emissions to show performance with environmental standards and manufacturers guarantees. Parameters tested included particulate, HCl, mercury and sulphur dioxide.
OSB, Pulp and Paper, and Forest Products
Catalyst Paper, Coastal Mills
Since about 1996, A. Lanfranco and Associates Inc. provide stack test services for monitoring of Particulate/TRS/Dioxin as well as TRS speciation. Also included is various performance testing of WESP, ESP and wet scrubbers.
Norbord Lumber and Grande Prairie, B.C./Alberta
Dryer and Press Vent emission monitoring for permit compliance using isokinetic and constant rate sampling procedures. Continuous monitoring for VOC/THC and investigative MDI and HCOH surveys. Also, EFB Inlet surveys and ambient MDI/HCOH.
Hinton Pulp and Paper – West Fraser Mills, Hinton, B.C.
Compliance monitoring of 13 sources including sampling for particulate matter, ClO2, TRS and SOx as well as four sources for RATA.
Coastland Wood Manufacturing, Delta, B.C.
Compliance monitoring of a WESP and RTO for particulate matter, condensable particulate, total organic carbon, non-methane hydrocarbons and NOx.
Canfor Forest Products, Fort Nelson, B.C.
Emission compliance monitoring of two dryers associated with OSB production. Sampling for particulate, condensable HC, and formaldehyde.
Westpine MDF, Quesnel, B.C.
Emission monitoring of four dryer cyclone exhausts for particulate, condensable HC and formaldehyde
Canfor, Elko & Canal Flats, B.C.
Emission monitoring of particulate matter from sawmill operations
Prince George Pulp and Paper Ltd. Prince George, B.C.
Performance monitoring of recovery boiler and EEC precipitator from twin ESP Inlet and common outlet duct. Also CEM monitoring of NOx, CO and O2. High liquor solids tests.
ABB/Flakt & B&W @ HSPP, Port Mellon, B.C.
Performance monitoring of hog fired boiler exhaust particulate and evaluations of salt content on ESP collection efficiencies. Three trials using various hog salt contents.
CEM monitoring at air heater outlet.
Paprican, Ottawa/P. George, B.C.
PCDD/PCDF monitoring from coastal power boilers. This work is ongoing with Paprican as our firm is selected as the consultant to conduct numerous experimental PCDD/PCDF studies at all B.C. Coastal pulp mills. Also includes design of special PCDD/PCDF sampling trains for high grain load areas.
Nexterra, Vancouver B.C.
Emission monitoring of gasifier exhausts at various plants in B.C. including the University of Northern BC and University of British columbia
Riverside Forest Products, Kelowna/Armstrong B.C.
Veneer dryer emission monitoring using Oregon Method 7 for condensable organics. Simultaneous monitoring of dryer, cooler, and dead air stacks on two dryers.
Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, Port Mellon, B.C.
ESP performance evaluations of Power Boiler exhaust including particle size and salt determinations of various particulate catches. Survey included simultaneous testing of four locations in order to evaluate particle collection efficiencies and flow imbalances.
Weyerhaeuser Canada, Prince Albert, Sask.
No. 2 recovery performance evaluations using CEM systems to establish emission levels with respect to manufacturers guarantees. SO2, TRS, CO, NOx and O2 were monitored for 24 hour periods during one softwood and one hardwood production period.
North Central Plywoods, Prince George, B.C.
Veneer dryer emission monitoring of selected stacks at various production rates and species.
NW Energy/McBurney/CRSS, Williams Lake, B.C.
Performance and compliance monitoring of B&W boiler serving co-generation facility. EEC precipitator performance tests at full load and 70% MCR. Also full scale CEM certification survey of Horiba analyzer system
COFI/CIRRUS, Vancouver, B.C.
Investigation of acid gas (SOx, NOx) emissions from line kilns, recovery boilers, power boilers, and smelt tanks from five pulp mills in B.C. Project to evaluate environmental impacts of proposed Vancouver Island natural gas pipeline. Mills included Woodfibre, Harmac, Crofton, MacKenzie, and H.S.P.P.
Howe Sound Pulp and Paper, Port Mellon, B.C.
Quarterly compliance monitoring of ten sources associated with pulp mill emissions.
Northwood Pulp, Prince George, B.C.
Investigation of gas flow characteristics in recovery boiler exhaust.
Babcock and Wilcox, Port Mellon, B.C.
Performance monitoring of Power Boiler exhaust under varying process loads and feed types to evaluate boiler efficiencies.
University of British Columbia Bioenergy Research and Development Facility, B.C
Compliance monitoring for particulate matter, VOC, and NOx from 3 sources associated with a combined heating and power plant.
Ranger Board, West Fraser Mills
Compliance monitoring of 9 emissions sources at the MDF processing facility. Parameters include HCOH, Phenol, PM, Condensable PM, VOC and NOx
Incineration Experience
Gov’t of Northwest Territories
Emission compliance monitoring under Canada Wide Standards for dioxin (PCDD) and mercury from three biomedical incinerators in northern Canada
De Beers Canada, NU
Emission compliance monitoring under Canada Wide Standards for dioxin (PCDD) and mercury from two refuse incinerators in northern Canada
Baffinland Iron Ore Corporation, Baffinland NU
Emission compliance monitoring under Canada Wide Standards for dioxin (PCDD) and mercury from two refuse incinerators in northern Canada
Hawaii Health Systems Corp., Kona/Kauai, HI
Emission compliance monitoring of Kauai and Kona (3 others) biomedical waste incinerators for Particulate/HCl/Hg. Surveys include test plans and communication with Hawaii regulatory agencies. Two dioxin/furan surveys in 2000 and 2002.
D.P. Waste, Halifax NS
Comprehensive emission testing under federal permit from international waste incinerator. Parameters included Particulate, CO, dioxin/furan and mercury, HCl and HF.
Metro Vancouver Waste-to-Energy, Burnaby, B.C.
Quarterly compliance monitoring of three 10 T/hr. refuse incinerators. Bi-annual monitoring of PCDD/PCDF and Hg efficiency removal surveys. HCl and HF tests included.
The Waste Program/Rigo & Rigo
Trace metal survey at GVRD incinerator during high metal input. Evaluation of Hg sampling procedures and QA/QC development.
Canadian Oil Filter Recovery Corp., Kelowna, B.C.
Permit compliance monitoring for special waste type oil disposal unit.
Government of Yukon, Whitehorse, Y.T.
Emission monitoring of waste oil space heaters and wood chip boilers in Northern regions. Trace metals and POM specifically targeted.
Superburn Systems Inc., Vancouver, B.C.
Hazardous waste incinerator emission survey to determine the thermal destruction efficiency of PAH. Also monitored acid gases and PCDD/PCDF.
Ticor Technology, Burnaby, B.C.
DRE surveys of PAH and TCMTB using MM5 semi-volatile trains. Quarterly compliance monitoring of incineration gases.
Flakt Canada, Vancouver, B.C.
Investigation of sulphur acid gas constituents in GVRD incinerator exhaust. Also, an evaluation of HCl interference in SOx analytical method.
District of Kent, Kent, B.C.
Stack monitoring of refuse incinerator for particulate, PCDD/PCDF, metals and acid gases.
University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C.
Emission compliance survey of a hazardous waste (solvent) incinerator and a pathological incinerator. Destruction Efficiency survey of PAH and solvents.
Vortex Energy, Delta, B.C.
Major emission monitoring program for PCDD/PCDF/PAH particulate, metals, and acid gases from wood gasifier. Project includes up to six months of testing.
KVB, Irvine, California
Certification monitoring of continuous analyzers serving three stacks associated with the Greater Vancouver Regional District refuse incinerator. Continuous analyzers certified for NOx, SOx, CO2, O2, and HCl.
Controlled Combustion/U.S. Navy, Honolulu, Hawaii
Hot stack performance emission survey of a new incinerator designed to destroy U.S. Navy documents. Tests included particulate, particle size, CO, and hydrocarbons.
Pacific Incineration Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.
Hot stack emission monitoring of cruise ship refuse incinerator. Contaminants monitored include particulate, HCl, SOx, NOx, and CO. The results of these tests were evaluated by U.S. State regulators in order to assess new installations for Washington State.
Olivine Corporation, Bellingham, Washington
Major investigation and compliance monitoring of 100 T/day refuse incinerator. Contaminants monitored include particulate, heavy metals, SOx, NOx, HCl, HF, CO2, and CO.
EnEco Systems/Maui Memorial Hospital, Maui,HI
Emission compliance monitoring of biomedical waste incinerator with ram-feed
Petroleum and Chemical Industry
Sonic Environmental
Emission compliance and alternate emission surveys for PCB and dioxin/furan, THC and particulate from PCB destruction process.
Alberta Natural Gas, Calgary,A.B.
Continuous emission monitoring of NOx, CO, O2 and THC at ten compressor stations for permit compliance. Also conducted performance monitoring of new turbine technology at one compressor station.
B.C. Hydro/Burrard Thermal, Port Moody, B.C.
Continuous emission monitoring of six units for compliance and evaluations of emission trends during changes in operations. NOx, THC, CO and O2 were measured continuously for about five days per unit.
B.C. Hydro/Sandwell/Stone & Webster, Port Moody, B.C.
Major emission evaluation of Burrard Thermal Unit 5. CEM measurements of NOx, CO and O2 during many changes to operating procedures. Five days of monitoring consisting of over 30 tests including flow and temperature profiling at the air heater inlet.
Westcoast Energy, Ft. St. John, B.C.
NOx, and CO emission surveys at over 30 compressor turbines and reciprocating engines in Northern B.C.
Pacific Coast Energy, Vancouver, B.C.
NOx, CO, and flowrate monitoring of two turbines at V-1. Also CEM certification of 2 NOx analyzers.
B.C. Ministry of Environment
Ambient monitoring of formaldehyde and styrene at various locations in B.C.
Lehigh Cement Ltd., Delta, B.C.
Full scale emission tests under Special Waste Criteria during baseline and TDF burns, PCDD/PCDF and trace metals as well as THC, HCl, HF, NOx, SOx and CO were tested
Lafarge Canada Inc., Richmond, B.C.
Full scale emission tests under Special Waste Criteria during baseline and TDF burns, PCDD/PCDF and trace metals
Nova-Monenco, Calgary, Alberta
Emission survey of two compressor station exhausts for heavy metals, NOx, mono-aromatics, and PAH. Continuous analyzer (NOx) assessment.
General Chemicals, Amhurstburg, Ontario
Emission inventory and compliance monitoring of all sources associated with alum manufacturing process.
Shell Canada, Burnaby, B.C.
Quarterly compliance monitoring of two stacks for particulate, SO2, SO3, NOx, H2S, CO, and HC. Particle size analysis.
Mohawk Lubricants, North Vancouver, B.C.
Testing of refinery incinerator for particulates, H2S and HCl.
H.B.O.G., Brazeau and Valleyview
Gas plant stack surveys for SO2 concentrations.
B.P., Bonnyville
Gas plant stack surveys for SO2 concentrations.
Suncor, Fort McMurray, Alberta
Particulate and SOx monitoring of coke fired boiler exhausts.
P.C.L. Packaging, Delta, B.C.
Emission survey to determine concentration of alcohols in printing ink extender exhaust system.
Parkland Refining (Formerly Chevron Canada)
Compliance monitoring of 11 sources for NOx, Sox and flowrate. Biannual CEM RATA’s of the FCCU and SRU. Quarterly monitoring of the FCCU for PM and periodic manual measurement of PM10/2.5. Monitoring of 3 vapour recovery units for VOC/flow as per CGSB protocol.
Mining Industry
Endako Mines, Fraser Lake, B.C.
Emission monitoring of molybdenum ore processing plant for evaluation of sale agreement and due diligence. Particulate and sulphur oxide concentrations exiting abatement equipment was monitored a reported.
Golden Bear/Homestake, Muddy Lake, B.C.
Numerous emission compliance surveys for particulate and SOx at gold mining and processing facility. Also an in depth investigation of SO2 at various locations within the SO2 scrubbing system.
Teck Fording River, Elkford, B.C.
Detailed evaluation of cyclonic flow condition at two coal driers. Report was submitted for WMB appeal of stack sampling procedures.
Quarterly compliance monitoring of two drier stacks.
Teck Greenhills, Elkford, B.C
Annual and Bi-annual sampling for MOE compliance at a Dryer, Breaker station and Truck Dump. Parameters include particulate, metals, total organic carbon and NOx.
Placer Dome, Research Centre, Vancouver, B.C.
Emission compliance monitoring of several sources for particulate and trace metals, and acid gases.
B.C. Ministry of Economic Development, B.C.
Evaluation of coal dust losses from coal trains (treated and untreated). The study included monitoring wind-blown coal losses, identification of coal particles at various receptor locations, and dispersion modelling based on monitoring results.
Kilborn Engineering, Vancouver, B.C.
Coal dust emission monitoring of dust collection systems serving various conveyor transfer points of the coal mining and preparation process.
Quintette Coal, Tumbler Ridge, B.C.
Monitoring and analysis of coal dust emission from three coal dryers associated with coal mining and preparation complex.
Bullmoose Operating Corporation, Tumbler Ridge, B.C.
Monitoring and analysis of coal dust emissions from one coal dryer.
Environment Canada, North Vancouver, B.C.
Major monitoring and evaluation study to determine the performance of chemical sealants on crust retention control of loaded coal trains.
Fording Coal Ltd., Elkford, B.C.
Evaluation of new chemical sealant on loaded coal cars.
Cardinal River Coal, Hinton, Alberta
Monitoring and analysis of coal dust emissions from three coal dryers.
TECK Highland Valley Copper
Semi-annual monitoring of up to 9 sources from a copper-molybdenum mine. Parameters include HCl, Cl2, SO2, NOx, PM, VOC.
Printing Industry
Transcontinental Printing, Delta, B.C.
Flowrate, Moisture and Total organic Carbon monitoring of 3 or 4 industrial printing presses.
Mostad Printing, Surrey, B.C.
Flowrate, Moisture and Total organic Carbon monitoring of 2 industrial printing presses
Web Press Graphics, Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Flowrate, Moisture and Total organic Carbon monitoring of 1 industrial printing presses
Agricultural Industry
Houweling Nurseries, Delta, B.C.
Monitoring for particulate matter in accordance with provincial regulations
Canadian Valley Growers, Langley, B.C.
Monitoring for particulate matter in accordance with provincial regulations
Katatheon Farms, Langley, B.C.
Monitoring for particulate matter in accordance with provincial regulations
Bevo Farms, Langley, B.C.
Monitoring for particulate matter in accordance with provincial regulations
A. Lanfranco & Associates Inc.
Unit #101, 9488 - 189th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada, V4N 4W7
Tel: (604) 881-2582
Toll Free: (855) 881-2582
Fax: (604) 881-2581